SCORM, which stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products.
In this article, we will show you how to add a SCORM file, view the SCORM results within the submissions area, show you where to direct users to view their SCORM results, and show you what type of SCORM files WorkRamp supports.
We use Rustici Software as our SCORM player and it supports the import and delivery of SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 (2nd, 3rd, & 4th editions), xAPI, AICC, and cmi5.
Please click the link here to find out more about Rustici Software and what type of SCORM files we support. The current file size limit is 1GB.
For best practices on using SCORM in WorkRamp, please see our help article.
Creating stand-alone SCORM trainings
Start by either clicking on [+Create New] from the left-hand folder structure, and selecting SCORM, or clicking on the SCORM tile on the body of the page.
Next, enter a name for your SCORM training.
Use the [Upload SCORM .zip file] button to upload the desired SCORM file.
Note: The speed of the upload will depend on how large the SCORM file is.
If your SCORM module does not have an exit option built-in, you will want to check the 'Open SCORM course in a new tab' option in the General Settings so that users can complete the module in a separate tab and navigate back to WorkRamp more easily.
Note: After completing the module, users will have to refresh the WorkRamp page to see the updated completion status.
When your SCORM upload has finished processing, you can navigate back to the overview page to assign the SCORM training to your Learners.
Please note that Synced Progress is enabled by default. For compliance trainings or trainings that you would like users to complete again on a cadence, we recommend disabling this setting. You can read more about Synced Progress in our help article.
Viewing and Reporting on SCORM Results from a SCORM Stand Alone Training
As an Admin or Editor, to view SCORM results:
Navigate to the SCORM training overview page
Click on the [Actions] button. You will have the option to Export All Assignments Data or All Interactions Data.
The CSV will include: Learner's name, percent complete, date completed, score, and due date.
Adding SCORM files to a Guide
Note: This is a Legacy feature and may not be available on all accounts.
When in the editing page of your Guide, you will find the SCORM object in the "Add Content" column on the right.
Navigate to the task you would like to add the SCORM content to and drag the SCORM object tile into the editing pane.
Once the SCORM tile is added, you can go ahead upload the desired SCORM files into this guide. The speed of the upload would depend on how large the SCORM file is.
SCORM Files for Learners in a Guide
Here is an example of how a SCORM file will appear for a Learner within a Guide. When Learners click on "Click to launch this training" the module will open in a new tab. They will be able to complete all of their work in the SCORM file and if a user passes or fails the SCORM file, their score will show in the Guide Statistics page.
Note: This is a Legacy feature and may not be available on all accounts.
Viewing SCORM Results in a Guide as an Admin or Editor
As an Admin or Editor, to view SCORM results:
Navigate to the Guide Overview Page
Click Submissions or View All Submissions
Click on the SCORM Submissions button to view all the SCORM submissions for everyone assigned to the Guide.
Directing Users to See Their SCORM Results
Once a user has completed their SCORM exercise, they can view their results by going to the Guide Stats page.
The Guide Stats page is located in the header of the Guide Outline
When in the Guide Stats page, there is an option to click into the SCORM Results in the Question Feedback section.
Clicking on "SCORM Results" will bring you to a page that marks the pass/fail status and completion status.
Can I update the SCORM module after it has already been assigned?
Yes, you can update the SCORM module after it has been assigned. Please note the following before doing so:
For SCORM standalone trainings, you will see a pop up window to select whether the new SCORM module is applied to existing and new users' assignments.
For SCORM modules in a Guide, if the user has already completed the Guide, it will continue to be marked as completed. However the user's SCORM completion data will not be linked to the new module.