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Email Settings

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn about the email settings for the employee learning cloud

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

On the Settings > Email page, you can manage the general email settings that will apply to all users within the specified role.

Email Settings for Admins

When enabled, these settings will apply to all Admins. The only exceptions are the 'Send email on challenge completion' and 'Send email on challenge reviewer submission' options, which sends to the Challenge Assigner.

Send email to admins on new user activation

When enabled, this will notify Admins when new users click on the activation link in their invitation email and activate their profile

Send email on guide completion

When a learner completes a Guide

Send email on challenge completion

When a learner completes a Challenge

Send email on challenge reviewer submission

Once a reviewer has completed reviewing a Challenge submission

Send certification approval emails

If a Badge is assigned to a Guide, you can require an Admin or Manager to approve before awarding

Send daily digest

Digest emails sent daily on learner progress

Send weekly digest

Digest emails sent weekly on learner progress

Email Settings for Managers

When enabled, these settings will apply to all Managers. The 'Send email on manager assignment' notification will send a notification to users when they are designated as a Manager a new direct report.

Send email on guide completion

Guide completions for learners they manage

Send certification approval emails

If a Badge is assigned to a Guide, you can require an Admin or Manager to approve it before awarding

Send email on manager assignment

A manager will be notified they've been assigned a manager for a learner

Send daily digest

Digest emails sent daily on learner progress

Send weekly digest

Digest emails sent weekly on learner progress

Email Settings for End Users
When enabled, these settings will apply to all Learners. For the 'Send email on direct feedback' option, emails will be sent to end users when comments or approvals are made on their Guide question responses. Learners can read about how to adjust their notification settings here.

Send email on direct feedback

Emails will be sent to end users when comments or approvals are made on their Guide question responses

Send email on account creation

Invitation sent to new user

Note: If users are added through an import or integration, the emails will not be sent

To learn about how to set up the Branded Emails and Customizations, please see our help article.

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